OCTOBER 13th 2018 | 11 AM - 6 PM
@NIJIYA in Little Tokyo
124 Japanese Village Plaza Mall, Los Angeles, CA 90012
We will be at Nijiya in Little Tokyo (124 Japanese Village Plaza Mall, Los Angeles, CA 90012) on 10/13 11 am to 6 pm and have unique gift goods for saleš Please stop by Nijiya in Little Tokyoš Looking forward to see you!!
* Its' going to be inside of Nijiya.

We have:
š¾ Unique Realistic Face Towels
ļ¼Shiba Inu, Pug, French bulldog, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Golden Retriever, Toy Poodle, Silver Tabby, Black Cat, Panda, Rabbit, Pizza, Hamburger Towels, and etc...ļ¼
What is the Realistic Motif Towel ā https://www.instactions.com/animal-face-towel
š¾ Imabari Towels
š¾ Shiba Inu Calendars 2019
š¾ Shiba Inu Plush Pillows
š¾ Shiba Inu Eye Pillow
š¾ While Doing Eye Masks
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#littletokyo #nijiya #shibainu #plushpillow #plush #pillow #shibainucalendar2019 #towel #imabaritowel #realisticmotiftowel #ćŖćć«ćć¼ćć§ć¼ #ććøć¤ #ćŖć¢ć«ć¢ćć¼ććæćŖć« #ć¢ććć«ćæćŖć« #ę“ē¬ #shibainuofinstagram #dtla #losangeles #pug #frenchbulldog